CV WATER COUNTS, in partnership with the University of California, Riverside – Palm Desert
Center, is accepting applications for the first class of the Water Counts Academy, beginning
this November at the University of California Riverside – Palm Desert campus.
THE WATER COUNTS ACADEMY is designed for current and emerging leaders in the
Coachella Valley who want to learn about the lifeblood of our valley—its water resources.
We are excited to offer this comprehensive course that will cover the history, use and
management of water here in the Coachella Valley.
The class will consist of three weekday sessions, held on Wednesdays, November 1, 8 and 15
from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, and one final full-day session on Saturday, November 18, which will
include a session, tour and graduation ceremony.
There is no tuition/fee, and food and refreshments will be provided during the class periods.
The sessions will cover a variety of topics. Session One will include: Overview of Agencies,
Groundwater Basin, Community Water Needs, and From Source to Tap. Session Two will
cover: State Water Project/CA WaterFix, Colorado River, Water Quality, Recycled Water and
Stormwater. Session Three will address water and Golf, Agriculture, Drought/Conservation
and Water Rates. The fourth and final Session, a full day tour, will include: Whitewater Hydro,
Percolation Ponds, Turf Conversion, Well Site, Reservoir, Treatment Facility, Farm, Lab, and
Recycled Water.
THE 2017 WATER COUNTS ACADEMY is limited to 30 students.
Applications are being accepted up to October 15, 2017 for the November 2017 class.
Apply by visiting and completing and submitting the form.