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Take time to Smell the Flowers, Friday is Public Gardens Day

This Friday, May 11 is National Public Gardens Day and Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden is FREE for the day to celebrate!

A short drive from the desert Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden in Claremont is a great escape for the day to explore a gorgeous garden. One of our Southern California jewels, Rancho Santa Ana has a garden over 55 acres for every taste and age.

Special events for the day are a Seed Bank Open House from 10am-12pm and an Herbarium Open House from 1-2pm.

And don’t miss the Grow Native Nursery at Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden before it closes for the summer.

Closer to home the Living Desert and Gardens is also celebrating National Public Gardens Day with garden tours and native plants Q&A’s with Bob Linstead and the UC Master Gardeners. Regular admission price for the day.

And don’t forget if you like the articles Maureen Gilmer has written about Desert Horticultural Society of the CV or are fans of her other books, her new one The Dry Colorful Garden is sure to please and available this month!

Enjoy the gardens.

And hope to see you soon, Tracy

––Tracy Merrigan, Fan of Flower Power and President, Desert Horticultural Society of the Coachella Valley

We welcome new members and look for more exciting field trips and programs to come.

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