As you replace your grass with water-efficient plants, don’t forget to get help from our area water agencies. Here’s what they offer for residential customers:
- Free smart irrigation controllers
- Turf removal rebates of $1 per square foot of turf not to exceed $750
- Free outdoor water conservation kits
Coachella Valley Water District
- Grass conversion rebates at $2 per square foot, with a 10,000-square foot maximum
- Rebates for smart irrigation timers, HOA and commercial rebates, golf course turf buy backs and irrigation upgrades
- List of landscapers who have completed the water district’s Water Management for Landscape Professionals seminar.
- “Lush and Efficient,” a comprehensive guide to desert friendly landscaping that lists hundreds of appropriate plants
- $1 per square foot grass conversion rebate
- Water-wise plant guide for the Coachella Valley
- Irrigation upgrade rebates, not to exceed $750 for above ground upgrades — smart controllers, rotary heads, drip irrigation and bubblers
- Rebate of $1 per square foot of grass removed, not to exceed $1,500
Mission Springs Water District
- Assistance contacting the State for turf conversion rebates up to $2,000
- Water-wise plant guide