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Reminder from The Chuparosa: Let water districts help pay for your conversion

As you replace your grass with water-efficient plants, don’t forget to get help from our area water agencies. Here’s what they offer for residential customers:

City of Indio Water Authority

  1. Free smart irrigation controllers
  2. Turf removal rebates of $1 per square foot of turf not to exceed $750
  3. Free outdoor water conservation kits

Coachella Valley Water District

  1. Grass conversion rebates at $2 per square foot, with a 10,000-square foot maximum
  2. Rebates for smart irrigation timers, HOA and commercial rebates, golf course turf buy backs and irrigation upgrades
  3. List of landscapers who have completed the water district’s Water Management for Landscape Professionals seminar.
  4. “Lush and Efficient,” a comprehensive guide to desert friendly landscaping that lists hundreds of appropriate plants

Desert Water Agency

  1. $1 per square foot grass conversion rebate
  2. Water-wise plant guide for the Coachella Valley

Indio Water Authority

  1. Irrigation upgrade rebates, not to exceed $750 for above ground upgrades — smart controllers, rotary heads, drip irrigation and bubblers
  2. Rebate of $1 per square foot of grass removed, not to exceed $1,500

Mission Springs Water District

  1. Assistance contacting the State for turf conversion rebates up to $2,000
  2. Water-wise plant guide

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