August will be a lot like July – the Coachella Valley’s hottest month – except it’s the height of the desert’s muggy season. Unlike temperatures that typically vary between night and day, humidity remains more constant. A muggy day is usually followed by a muggy night. It may or may not rain.
Even though you might not want to leave air-conditioned comfort, garden chores beckon.
It’s time to:
- Remove dead basal foliage of perennials. Deadhead spent flowers of coreopsis and rudbeckia
- Trim away dead flowering stems of autumn sage. This stimulates creation of new flowering stems in the fall and winter season.
- Lightly cut back old, tired stems of blue salvia, to encourage new basal growth
- Make plans for fall planting annual and perennials.
- Order seeds of adapted wildflowers for planting in September and October.
- If possible, pick a cooler, cloudy day to prepare fall planting beds by digging organic materials into the top 8 to 10 inches of soil.
- Rebuild basins on plants to hold irrigation water.
- Check drip irrigation systems to see that they are operating correctly.
- If overseeding Bermudagress, hold off on fertilizing. Renovation and reseeding is just two months ahead. If not overseeding, then fertilize.
- Avoid shearing or pruning for another month. Pruning now may expose formerly shaded stems and foliage to sunburn.
(Source: “Lush and Efficient: Desert-Friendly Landscaping in the Coachella Valley,” Coachella Valley Water District)