We are so lucky to have such generous members!
Gertie and Allan Seymour have generously offered to host a down valley tour with no-host lunch at there home “Sweaty Palms” overlooking the Salton Sea and the Santa Rosas. With the weather we’ve had it will be a fantastic day. The Dos Palmas Oasis is a short distance away.
DHSCV Eastern Coachella Valley Tour
January 25, 2020
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Hat, comfortable shoes, water, sack lunch, binoculars optional
SATURDAY, January 25th, please bring a sack lunch meeting us at 9:00 am to view the iconic ALBERT FREY designed NORTH SHORE BEACH & YACHT CLUB 99155 SEA VIEW Dr., North Shore, CA 92254.
Next, we will travel on a well maintained passenger car friendly dirt road to SAN ANDREAS SPRINGS OASIS, a casual, level, one mile r/t hike. Trailhead restroom available.
Following the hike enjoy your sack lunch and spectacular views of the SALTON SEA and SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS from the screened porch at SWEATY PALMS, 75-501 DESERTAIRE Dr. North Shore, CA 92254.
Hosted by Gertie & Allan Seymour
Contact: 949-496-8611 [email protected]
See you there!!