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Fountain Grass is an Invasive Species

Why we’re talking about invasive species

Invasive species are so-called because they crowd out native plant species, reducing available food and shelter resources for native wildlife, all the way up the food chain. This type of habitat damage is often irreversible and so should be prevented from occurring in the first place, if possible.

As part of our mission, The Desert Horticultural Society of Coachella Valley is creating educational materials regarding the use of invasive species in the landscape.

Our goal is to encourage homeowners to stop requesting these plants, to encourage nurseries to stop selling them, and to ask local governments to encourage everyone to remove them.

Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum)

Fountain grass is especially invasive. It spreads easily via seeds blown in the air and grown anywhere with very little water.

These flyers are available in print if you want them. Please contact us for copies for distribution.

Fountain Grass English Flyer

Fountain Grass Spanish Flyer

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