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DHSCV Friend Kurt Leuschner Talks at Rancho Mirage Library

Birds and Plants: Creating a Backyard Habitat

“There are many interesting connections between birds and plants in the desert southwest. How do Phainopeplas differ from typical flycatchers? Which bird species are nectarivores? Should I feed birds?  What will happen if you plant Sweet Acacia in your yard? Why should you avoid trimming your palm trees? How can you attract more bird species to your garden? Which bird field guide is the best? These and many other questions will be answered as we explore the various relationships between plants and birds.” Find out the answers to these questions and more on October 9 from friend of Desert Horticultural Society of the CV friend Kurt Leuschner. Kurt is an engaging and knowledgeable speaker and he will make you laugh. It is a treat to hear him speak so don’t miss it.

Kurt Leuschner is a Professor of Natural Resources at the College of the Desert (COD) and will be speaking at the Rancho Mirage Library on October 9 from 2:00-3:00. He is featured in the new Birds of Sunnylands book and leads bird walks throughout the valley.

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