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Cathedral City couple wins conservation award

It took nine days for Gilbert and Vera Sanchez of Cathedral City to remove lawn from the front of their house and replace it with water-friendly gardening.

Their new landscape captured the Coachella Valley Water District’s spring conservation award.

The Sanchez’s replaced 1,800 square feet of grass with rock and water-efficient plants in the front yard and enclosed patio of their 29-year- old home.

“I wish we had done it sooner,” says Gilbert Sanchez. “The new garden is less work and it’s a big relief that I don’t have to mow a lawn anymore. Plus, our water bill has dropped from between $40 and $50 to about $20.

Their new landscape features a rock river, flowering succulents, palms, weed barrier and new drip system and smart controller. It was designed by Vera Sanchez and has served as an inspiration to other neighbors to change their landscape, she said.

“We wanted to do our part to conserve water in the Coachella Valley, our home,” she said.


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