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A new website for DHSCV!

Hello, members!

If you’re seeing this message you’ve discovered our exciting news!

We now have better payment handling!

  • You can pay by credit card without a PayPal account (even though PayPal will still be processing those transactions), you can still pay with PayPal, or you can mail a check. This is for memberships, paid events, and donations.
  • No more automatic renewals. You will be reminded via email to renew ahead of your renewal date, and you will renew via the website when you’re ready.

We now have streamlined RSVP for events!

  • You will only RSVP for events for yourself. If you want to bring guests to an event, which is usually encouraged, they need to have their own account on the website and RSVP themselves. They do NOT need to be members, they just need to have an active email address in our system.
  • Paid events will have all of the same payment options listed above.

The Sign In button is in the upper right portion of the screen.

You will sign in to access some of our members-only articles, RSVP for events, pay your membership dues, etc. If you are currently part of a Dual membership you will receive an additional email explaining what is new and different for you.

When you first sign in, your membership will be valid until January 20, 2018. We’ll be updating everyone’s membership to expire on the correct date, one year from when the dues were last paid.

Change is sometimes a challenge to implement, but this new site offers greater flexibility for you, and for those DHSCV volunteers who organize and maintain the website, events, and membership. We ask for your patience in converting to and using our new site. There will be the inevitable glitch or two, but hopefully it’ll be at a minimum and not inconvenience you.

Please feel free to send questions or problems to Jessyca Frederick at [email protected] and she’ll take care of the problems as quickly as possible. When you report a problem, please tell her what kind of computer you’re using (Mac, PC, iPhone, or Android phone), what internet browser you’re using (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer are most common), describe carefully what went wrong (what were you trying to do, what did or didn’t happen that was unexpected, were there any error messages on the screen?), and include your phone number in the email so she can call you if she needs more information.

We are very pleased to be launching a new website and hope you will be, too. We treasure your membership and your participation in our Desert Horticultural Society family.

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